What Types of Commercial Roofing Systems Are Available?

Commercial roofing offers many opportunities to find the right fit for your building—learn more.

Every building needs a roof, and building owners want a roof that can really last to make the most of their investment. When shopping for a new roof, it is necessary for all building owners to understand the different commercial roofing systems that are available.

In this article, we will explore what you need to know about commercial roofing systems and some of the more common systems that are available for businesses and organizations.

Commercial Roofing and Roofing Systems to Know

Understanding commercial roofing and the more popular available systems can help you choose the right fit for your building’s specific needs. This breakdown can help you to get started.

What is Commercial Roofing?

The roofing industry is broken out into two primary areas—commercial roofing and residential roofing.

Commercial roofing is any roofing work that applies to buildings and businesses. Any time that you walk through a city street or approach a local business building, you can see commercial roofing in action. This roofing focus is all about offering roofing solutions that support businesses and new construction while minimizing risk.

Although residential roofing and commercial roofing are different, they can sometimes be offered by the same business.

What Separates Commercial Roofing From Residential Roofing?

Residential roofing is another area in roofing, but instead of focusing on large buildings or businesses, it is centered around work that applies to residences. This includes standard homes, townhomes, and small or privately owned structures. The most common focus for residential roofing is single-family homes.

There are several notable differences between commercial roofing and residential roofing. Of course, the most obvious consideration is the client behind the roofing work. In most cases, commercial roofing is a service for businesses, and residential roofing is a service for individuals and families. However, these two areas can overlap when it comes to new home developments. A roofing company will offer a service to a business—a home building company—but the work will center around standard family homes.

Apartment homes can be another area of overlap because while they are homes for individuals, the property management company will actually be the client for the roofing company.

Beyond the clients themselves, commercial roofing and residential roofing are also separated significantly by budget. Commercial roofing projects are generally centered around a much larger budget since they can require more work and cover a larger amount of space. Certain upgrades might also increase the total value of the projects. In contrast, residential roofing is generally offered at a much lower price point due to the smaller scope.

These two types of roofing services are similar in many ways, but the roofing systems they offer can and do vary. There are some roofing systems that are simply more practical for residential homes, and there are others that are just a much better fit for commercial buildings. Since the systems at work can vary, each approach requires its own knowledge base to best meet the needs of a roofing client.

How Do Commercial Roofing Systems Vary?

When it comes to roofing, clients are always surprised to find out just how much variety is actually at work within the industry. There are several roofing systems, and the popular options can and do change with time as the industry evolves. The approach to roofing a hundred years ago looks nothing like the roofing systems people see today, and that is good. As companies continue to work, they create newer and better roofing systems that meet different needs!

There are several common ways that roofing systems can vary, including:

  • Materials Used—The materials involved in roofing systems themselves can differ in many ways. Some materials are natural, while others are designed and created by experts. This variation can also include additional materials that may be used in the installation process.
  • Total Cost—As materials, designs, and needs vary, pricing can also change a lot from one type of roofing system to the next. Some approaches are affordable, while others can be more expensive.
  • Installation Method—Due to the variety in materials and design, roofing systems always offer their own approaches to installation. The actual steps taken by your roofing experts will vary depending on what roofing system is being installed.
  • Overall Function—Every roofing system has its own specific function. Some systems may be centered around standard protection and endurance, while others may offer additional benefits that are specific to the roofing system itself. Each system can be used to meet a variety of needs.
  • Durability—A roof is a very important feature for any building, so most business owners want to choose a roof that is as durable as possible. This can help offer better protection and allow the system to last longer against a wide range of environmental and physical threats.
  • Appearance—In the same way that roofing systems can offer different benefits, they can also offer different appearances. Many businesses choose roofing systems based on the appearance as well as the system’s other benefits. Sometimes, clients want a roof that looks a specific way.
  • Environmental Alignment—When you travel to different cities and states, it is natural to see changes in environment, like weather or even environmental risks. Some roofing systems are better aligned with certain environments based on weather, temperature, and even common wildlife concerns.

Commercial Roof Option: Metal Roofing Systems

Finding the right roof can feel like a major challenge for business owners, but there are some top options that make the choice fairly easy. Metal roofing systems are a great opportunity for businesses to invest in a type of roof that looks great and lasts long. Using long-lasting metal designs, businesses can receive a simple roof that gives the building a solid layer of defense and a sleek appearance that customers will appreciate.

The most popular types of metal for roofing are steel and copper.

Pricing can vary for these roof types depending on the size, building needs, and material used. For example, a copper roof will cost more than a steel roof.

Commercial Roof Option: Hot Tar Roofing

Commonly referred to as “built-up roofing” among experts, a hot tar roof combines layers of hot tar with layers of fiberglass rolls to create a lasting, durable, and consistent roof that can easily be walked on if necessary. These roofs are reinforced one layer at a time, offering a great investment for building owners. While it does come at a high initial price, it pays out well throughout the years by lasting several decades and keeping repair costs to a minimum.

Commercial Roof Option: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Roofing

Some roofs are all-natural, but others bring the power of synthetic materials—and EPDM roofing is one of those options.

EPDM roofing offers a unique synthetic rubber membrane. This is why it is commonly referred to as “rubber roofing” among experts. Made to be layered and offering various levels of thickness, this roofing looks great and offers a clean finish. Given the nature of its design, it is ideal for buildings with flat roofs that can easily be covered with the material.

Commercial Roof Option: Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are another popular roofing option that can really last through the years. A lot of property owners choose these shingles because they are available at a highly reasonable price and can offer decades of protection against the elements.

A look at these shingles is nothing special. They offer standard roofing that looks well-made without bringing any additional flair. Combining asphalt granules and fiberglass, this durable roofing system is a great choice for roofing materials that will be left alone.

Known for absorbing significant heat, this system has its disadvantages when it is hot out, so keep that in mind while you shop.

Commercial Roof Option: Thermoplastic Polyolefin Roofing

As an excellent counter to asphalt shingles, this synthetic roofing system is particularly beneficial if you are worried about the sun thanks to its bright coloring. These systems are easy to install and can provide a wonderful and lasting roof that will suit many buildings well.

Building owners like TPO roofing because it comes with protection against many of nature’s more common concerns, helping it to last longer. However, these roofs are not all that common, so they can come with drawbacks due to limitations in the industry.

Depending on building size, TPO roofing can also be fairly expensive.

Invest in a Roof for Your Building With a Local Roofing Team You Can Trust!

Selecting the right roof for your building will require you to consider what you are hoping to accomplish and what price feels right for your investment. Our team of local experts can help you to better understand Colorado commercial roofing and how you can make the most of it for your building.

To learn more about commercial roofing or to receive a consultation and start exploring these options for yourself, connect with our team today!