Dependable Solutions for Every Mountain Roof

We’re mountain roofing experts who know what it takes to make a roof last in these extreme conditions. From new construction to repair, residential to commercial, we’re equipped with the knowledge and expertise to ensure your roof is constructed and maintained correctly. Simply fill out the form below or give our team a call, and we’ll come up with the best solution for your mountain-roofing needs.

Contact Us


Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Request a Free Quote

  1. Request a Free Quote Today
    Fill out our simple, online request form to give our team a little information about your roofing needs, or give us a call at (970) 887-0104 to talk to one of our experts.
  2. Receive a Custom Quote for Your Mountain Project
    One of our mountain roofing experts will coordinate a time to learn more about your project, either by phone or a site visit. Once we have all of the information we need, we’ll put together a custom quote for your project.
  3. Rest Assured Knowing Your Project is Guaranteed
    At The Roofing Company, we offer a water-tight guarantee, and we stand behind the quality of our work.

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