Of all the gutter styles available on the market today, one stands out for its popularity – K-style gutters. They come in a wide variety of lengths and sizes, and can fit almost any home architectural style. But what makes them a preferred choice among homeowners? Here’s everything you need to know about K-style gutters.

The Reason They’re Called K-Style Gutters
People often think that K-style gutters are named that way because they look like the letter “K”. But that is not the reason – far from it. Gutters come in different styles or profiles. The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) made a list of the 12 most common rectangular gutter profiles. The K-style gutter, which has an S-shaped contour or ogee that can be discerned from the side, is eleventh on that list, so it was assigned the letter “K,” which is the eleventh letter in the alphabet.
The Reasons for the Popularity of K-Style Gutters
K-style gutters remain a popular choice among homeowners because of they are:
- Easy to install. While the front part of this gutter style has the crown molding-like contour, its backside is completely flat. This means that K-style gutters can be installed directly onto the surface of the fascia board using nails or other fasteners.
- Capable of holding rainwater. Depending on the average rainfall in your area and the size of your roof, K-style gutters can hold a significant volume of rainwater. As long as they’re sized correctly, they can help protect your home against water intrusion.
- Stylish. The familiar contours of the K-style gutters give them an elegant appearance, which is appealing to many homeowners.
- Available in a wide range of materials and profiles. You can find K-style gutters made of aluminum, steel, and copper, and in both sectional and seamless types.
At The Roofing Company, we utilize a portable seamless gutter machine that allows us to produce 5-inch and 6-inch K-style gutters made out of copper or steel. The process lets us roll onsite any continuous gutter length to meet a wide array of needs and applications. Call us today at (970) 887-0104, or fill out our contact form to discuss your gutter requirements today. We serve Colorado homeowners, including those living in Aspen and nearby communities.