Top 10 Signs You May Need a New Roof

Top 10 Signs You May Need a New Roof

Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting you and your belongings from the elements year-round. However, roofs don’t last forever, and over time they can deteriorate, requiring replacement to maintain the integrity of your home. Here...
Finding Roofing Material for Cold and Snowy Weather

Finding Roofing Material for Cold and Snowy Weather

Colorado is known for its varying temperatures–learn how to select the best roofing material for your home. In Colorado, cold and snowy weather is a constant companion for at least half of the year–and sometimes in May too! If you’re one of the many Colorado...
4 Warning Signs You Need a New Roof

4 Warning Signs You Need a New Roof

Sometimes, a roof can naturally reach the end of its useful life without experiencing a failure. It just looks old and worn.  If replacing an old roof is delayed, however, it could result in bigger problems down the road. So, watch for the warning signs to be sure to...
4 Things to Expect From a Professional Roof Inspection

4 Things to Expect From a Professional Roof Inspection

At least once a year, you should have a professional roofing contractor check your roof. The best time to schedule it is early in the fall or spring, or after a severe storm hits your area. By having your roof inspected once a year, you can prevent a lot of problems...
Questions to Ask Your Prospective Roofing Company

Questions to Ask Your Prospective Roofing Company

Once you have the time and money to begin your roofing project, it’s important to work with a reliable roofing company so that your efforts won’t be put to waste. Ask these questions to ensure you’re working with a dependable roofer who can guarantee...
Common Causes of Commercial Roof Seam Failure

Common Causes of Commercial Roof Seam Failure

Rubber roofs, thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) single-ply roofs can have a longer lifespan with proper seam installation. That’s why the contractors you hire are crucial to the longevity and performance of your commercial roof. If...